Electrolysis means "electric-splitting". It involves the passage of an electric current through, in general, a substance that is either molten or dissolved in an aqueous solution (water with a substance dissolved in it). In our appication of this principle, the liquid is Bi-sodium Carbonate (pure Baking Soda) in distilled water. This electrical current results in a chemical reactions at the electrodes. The negative electrode is called the cathode, and the positive electrode is the anode.
An electrical current is applied between a pair of electrodes immersed in a liquid solution. Each electrode attracts ions (electrically charged particles) that are of the opposite charge. In other words, positively-charged ions (Hydrogen) move towards the cathode, while negatively-charged ions (Oxygen) move toward the anode. The energy required to separate the particles, and cause them to gather at the respective electrodes, is provided by an electrical power supply such as a battery or alternator.
WikiPedia offers a diagram demonstrating this principle IN THE LAB (not in a vehicle):
Some energy is released in the form of heat, which, in the case of electrolyzing water, will create some water steam or vapor - but not useful energy. In some cases, for instance, in the electrolysis of steam into hydrogen and oxygen at high temperature, the opposite is true. Heat is absorbed from the surroundings, and the heating value of the produced hydrogen is higher than
the electric input. It is worth noting that the maximum theoretic efficiency of a fuel cell is the inverse of that of electrolysis. Therefore it's impossible to create a perpetual motion machine by combining the two processes.
A higher current flow (amperage) through the cell (Electrolyzer) means it will be passing more electrons through it at any given time. This means a faster rate of Hydrogen pull at the cathode and a faster rate of Oxygen pull at the anode. This creates higher production of Hydrogen and Oxygen per minute.
Electrolysis of water can be observed by passing direct current from a
battery or other DC power supply through a cup of water (in practice a saltwater solution increases the reaction
intensity making it easier to observe). Using platinum or stainless steel electrodes, hydrogen gas will be seen to bubble up at the cathode, and oxygen will bubble at the anode. If other metals are used as the anode, there is a chance that the oxygen will react with the anode instead of being
released as a gas. For example, using iron electrodes in a sodium chloride solution electrolyte, iron oxide will be produced at the anode, which will react to form iron hydroxide. When producing large quantities of hydrogen, this can significantly contaminate the electrolytic cell -
which is why iron is not used for commercial electrolysis.
Explosive Stuff!
We'll learn more about the Water4Gas Electrolyzer in Day 4 of this course. But here's just a little demonstration of the power of electrolysis - it produces a very combustible gas, as demonstrated
in the video below. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. The plastic bottle in the video has been filled with gas produced from WATER, by simple
Is it possible to generate Free Energy in my truck/car?
Absolutely!!! But how?
Miracles? No, no, no.
You generate free energy by ENHANCING the EFFICIENCY of your poorly designed
Here's the PROBLEM: Your engine uses 20% of the energy stored in that expensive fuel - a
Here's another look at the same issue...one elderly man left me an angry and confused message that said something like this: "My high-school teacher said you cannot get more energy out of hydrogen to pay for the energy you have put in!?" And he added that if I don't give him an explanation within two days, he's going to report me, as fraud, to the Federal Government... My answer was:
Your teacher may have been correct. I don't know. This is NOT what we are doing here with Water4Gas. We do NOT try to drive our cars on Hydrogen energy. We just take EXCESS energy out of the car's battery or alternator (in other words very low current
Now HOW do we do it? This is explained in my books and on this website as well. Water is being split into Hydrogen and Oxygen with a simple home-made device, and fed into the UNCONVERTED engine (same gasoline system, same computer, etc.) It's just a BOOSTER. The car does not run on Hydrogen. The car runs on gasoline!!!
In other words: the "paradox" comes from misunderstanding: you are looking into Hydrogen as a source of energy. But Water4Gas is NOT about hydrogen as a source of energy. It is about burning gasoline a little bit better by reducing its droplet size in the gasoline/air mixture with the help of a SMALL
So again, Water4Gas is a technology based on splitting water (electrolysis) on board a vehicle, and using the resulting Hydrogen and Oxygen gases. However, we do NOT use them to drive the vehicle - but only to boost the efficiency of its FUEL combustion. 100% water cars are not in our scope of activity.
Water4Gas is a Do-It-Yourself technology, specifically designed for beginners with no special tools and very limited budgets. A complete working system can be built at home with basic hand tools for $20-$100, installed in minutes and removed in seconds.
No modifications to the engine, computer or fuel injection systems, therefore any backyard mechanic can install it easily.
What can be called "water-fuel technology" is very old - over 91 years! All we've done is raise it from the dead and develop a simple structure based on low cost hardware. Although there is a
Another technological advantage is the employment of coiled/spiraled electrode WIRES - rather than flat plates or spiraled plates. The magnetic vortex created by the coil assists water splitting, so we don't need as much power from the car's electrical system, thus simplifying the system even further and lowering its cost.
Three major factors work together to cause water splitting: direct current flowing through the electrode wires to the water, the magnetic vortex created by the shape of the electrodes, and the vacuum provided by the engine itself.
In a nutshell, the effects of Water4Gas technology is lowered emissions and improved mileage, thanks to a MORE COMPLETE COMBUSTION. Today's internal combustion engines suffer from poor efficiency of 20%-25%, as any mechanic will tell you; 75%-80% of the gasoline,
THE MAIN PROBLEM IS OVERSIZED FUEL DROPLETS IN THE MIXTURE. The Hydrogen, being the smallest particle in nature, hits a droplet, cuts it into smaller droplets and attaches itself to the smaller droplets. Now the finer, hydrogen-enhanced gasoline mist, is capable of burning more thoroughly.
Water4Gas technology is not capable of running a car on water alone. Our aim is not to replace gasoline but to enhance it - and open the door and the mind to the possibilities of water-fuel technology. With correct fine tuning we can double a vehicle's mileage, rendering a new energy balance: half gasoline, half water. Very little water is used, in an economy car it's around 2700 miles per gallon of distilled water, together with 4-6 teaspoons of household baking soda as catalyst. We have demonstrated how the fuel
Not all cars, loads and driving conditions will gain the same, obviously. For ethical reasons we do not build up expectations for more than 10%-50% improvement in fuel economy, however we are getting daily success stories from experimenters who are seeing gains of 80%-100% in various vehicles. For some, significant economy gains inflict a revelation that something can be done about it, while for others it's a life changing factor.
Splitting Water for fun & profit
Water4Gas sells books that teach EVERYTHING about the technology and how to manufacture it, and we're also sponsoring a free marketplace where sellers and buyers of actual systems can find each other and trade without
interference and without any fees paid to Water4Gas. Like in the golden Age of Greece: no police, no tax, very little government.At the time of writing (January 2008) we have more than 9000 satisfied customers, over 600 registered independent manufacturers/installers, and a large number of affiliates promoting us all over the world. In fact 85% of our sales occur via affiliates, and more are joining due to the generous 50% commission rate and the skyrocketing popularity of the product, the friendly technology and our no-secrets policy.
The way businessmen and marketers from all over the world see it, Water4Gas is like a franchise that's almost too cheap to be believable.
All in all, Water4Gas has become a buzzword for practicality and affordability. Our policy is to guide the readers toward a mindset of an experimenter rather than a robotic driver that takes things for granted. We teach them that something can be done about gas prices, pollution and global warming, and they gladly take an active role and help us spread the word.
At the time of writing the technology is only for gasoline and diesel cars and trucks. However many of our experimenters are working on adaptations to propane/LPG/CNG propelled vehicles, as well as boats and other applications such as stationary generators.
We're getting daily requests from business people around the world, as well as inventors inspired by our success, requesting that we work with them to advance their goals and purposes. We help as much as we can, including bridging the gap between investors and inventors, as well as between inventors/developers seeking to complement their technologies with supporting ones (such as a bridge we've created between a British fuel cell and an American pure-hydrogen generator).
Thus Water4Gas has emerged and evolved in one year from a small home-based business to become a global junction for water-fuel technologies, inspiration and leadership.
energy" effects in a modern vehicle.
Click Here For More Information
Yours Sincerely
David Jackson
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