Friday, July 4, 2008

Computer Problems

When we say the word “computer” in reference to the fuel and emissions control system, we're generally referring to the ECU (Environmental Control Unit), sometimes called ECM (Emission Control Module). It is also sometimes called the PCM or other names. So we may be using the word computer and ECU interchangeably, although some cars have more than one computer. The ECU is what we're interested in when it comes to saving energy.

Electrolyzer not enough!

Here's the problem we're trying to solve here: let's say you have a Hydrogen-On-Demand system under the hood. We're adding oxygen into the mixture of gasoline and air, right? So far it's obvious. Now what happens is the the Oxygen Sensor in the exhaust pipe senses the extra oxygen. Then the ECU, according to its pre-programming, reacts by adding more gasoline into the fuel injectors. What for? This is pure waste and definitely not good for the environment because the engine already has the energy it needs and even more.


We're using what some people refer to as “watergas technology”.

Electrolyzers, water vaporizers, water injectors, hydrogen generators of all sorts. As far as I know everybody in the industry shares the same problem on modern computerized cars, and here's a typical story:

Somebody installs a device and enjoys better fuel economy for a few days. Then after maybe half a tank or so, he calls or emails the developer and says: “Hey listen – your device stopped working – I'm losing mileage. I can see the bubbles coming out and all, but the performance has dropped!! I am losing the gains I had!” You know what it means when somebody is losing gains he's already got? It means there is some freaking suppression on the

area! It needs to be detected and removed, either by handling or by disconnecting from the source of suppression. Same here. Now let's get purely technical and examine what happens.

You have enriched your car with something fantastic – water power of some sort. Hydrogen, water vapor, or both. As your computer senses a richer fuel it then reduces the amount of fuel being consumed, because you’re already running rich. So far so good because you don’t need as much fuel as before.

Now the problem shows its ugly face when we discover that the computer

– your vehicle's computer – has been pre-designed to protect the vested interest of those who would like to see you waste fuel like crazy. While pretending to be your friends.

This is an unproven theory of course, but your computer figures out that we've been enforcing fuel economy for a while and it says: “Wait a minute - somebody is probably doing something fishy here” - and it switches your car into “Limp Home” mode which means, between other things, a constant-rich (wasteful) mixture.

What just happened? You’ve been enjoying good fuel economy for a while, but all of a sudden your gains are dropping and in some cases even going negative. That is, worse than before the installation. You computer has said: “Sorry buddy, we've just caught you cheating and we can’t allow that.”

Here comes the counter-measure. Several inventions exist to lean the usage of gasoline back to where it was before you've lost gains, and in most cases even much better. The invention we're presenting here is not the only one, but is among the simplest.

We’re going to use this invention to change the set points so that the computer is still active in “closed circuit” or “closed loop” mode. That is, it still senses the car's performance and it still controls the consumption of fuel as needed every little moment of driving – but the difference is that now we have totally changed the set points in your favor!

Now you are going to enjoy the mileage gains and you'll get to KEEP THEM for a very long period of time.

For this reason, we must trick the computer to sense less oxygen, or otherwise change the formula that it uses to calculate how much fuel should be sent to the engine.

What if my vehicle doesn't even have a computer??

If your car does not have a computer, and in many diesel application as well, the vehicle may adapt its fuel consumption automatically. THIS HAPPENS SIMPLY BY NOT NEEDING TO PRESS THE GAS PEDAL SO FAR DOWN, so less fuel is being used.

However in many modern vehicles, the computer is designed to run the engine on a too-rich mixture. By "mixture" we mean the mixture of fuel and air being fed into the engine. We speak about air-to-fuel ratio, which simply means the ratio between the amount of air flowing into the air intake of the engine, and the gasoline or diesel fuel being mixed with that air. It is a common thought between mechanics that there is some ideal ratio. However in the water-fuel industry (such as Water4Gas) we find that these ideas have to be re-adapted to a new reality: WITH HYDROGEN BEING FED INTO THE ENGINE AS WELL AS REGULAR FUEL, t he ratios can be very different - in the direction we want - which is less fuel (costly stuff) and more air (free stuff).

"Rich" mixture means that there is more fuel in the mixture, and "lean" means a mixture with LESS fuel and more air. We want to "lean" the mixture. And now we can.

Now back to the question of "What if my vehicle doesn't even have a computer?" - well the answer is that it does not matter. Even if the engine is designed in such a way that considerable amount of fuel is being saved automatically, it is still desirable to lean the mixture further down, to maximize fuel economy.

We're not going to discuss everything about it. I just wanted you to understand the principle: less gasoline or diesel fuel, more air, that's what we want. And there are many ways to do this, depending on the vehicle. Below we'll touch only the typical fuel-injection system.

Computer Problems & Solutions

As I said we'll concentrate on the Oxygen Sensor (also called O2 Sensor) but that's not the whole story. It's just a very common story.

A low-cost and simple method of dealing with the Oxygen Sensor is to somewhat block its ability to sense oxygen. To understand how this method works, let's get familiar with the main parts of the typical Oxygen Sensor:

The Oxygen Sensor is installed in the exhaust pipe near the engine and “senses” oxygen flowing a wheelthrough the exhaust pipe by comparing temperatures of its inner part (Sensor Tip) to the temperature of outside air.

This description is far from being accurate or complete, but we're not going to go into great scientific details. If you want to understand more about these sensors, visit

The goal is to fool the fuel injection computer into sense MORE OXYGEN than before, thus signaling the computer: “The mixture is too lean!

The computer then compensates with a leaner mixture and possibly a slight advance in timing. This result is smoother engine operation and much better MPG.


A recent addition, the enhancer shown below worked much better (depending on the vehicle) than the O2 Sensor method. Let me start with a limiter: THIS DEVICE IS EXPERIMENTAL but HAS WORKED GREAT ON MANY VEHICLES INCLUDING MY OWN. While driving at 55 MPH I have dialed the MPG gauge up by as much as 77% just by turning one knob way down. The latest test results have averaged 59%.


The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor signal is electrically used in a similar way to the use of Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor signal (although internally it is built differently). It takes a 5 volt signal from the computer, and returns a lower direct current signal in ac cordance with the vacuum in the engine. A higher output voltage means lower engine vacuum, which is then calculated as “more fuel is needed”. Lower output signal indicates higher engine vacuum, which requires less fuel.

It's not just fuel control though. The MAP senor signal gives the computer a dynamic indication of engine load. The computer then uses this data to control not only fuel injection, but also gear shift and cylinder ignition timing. In some cases it is even used to calculate changes in barometric pressure, to automatically adjust for different altitudes.


The invention we're talking about here is a simple play with resistors. A resistor is a little piece of carbon that somewhat blocks electrical current. Higher value means it resists more. The potentiometer (“pot” for short) is a resistor, a variable resistor, which varies its value by turning the knob. But it is still only a resistor.

The MAP or Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor is a little but expensive device installed in your intake manifold, or installed on the firewall and connected to the manifold with a thin hose. It has 5 Volts or 12 Volts coming in, and it simply senses the vacuum in the manifold and attenuates (reduces, weakens) this incoming voltage by a certain factor. In other words it reduces the supply voltage to a direct-current voltage in the range of 15% to 60% of the supply voltage (depending on the car's design these numbers will vary), and this varying (but non-pulsing) signal is then sent back to the computer.

The arrangement of resistors simply takes this already attenuated (reduced, weakened) signal – and attenuates it further. Too much attenuation kills the engine, it will simply shut off. Yet if you control it correctly you can lean down the mixture from the stoichiometric (a big word that simply means “balance of ingredients”) which is factory set at 14.7:1 (14.7 parts of air to 1 part gasoline) – down to 20:1, maybe even 50:1 or 100:1.

My e-books show you how to build this device for less than $10, and how to tune it for best mileage. Since I published my design in 2007, many have started to build and market this device for $60 or so. However every one of my readers can not only learn to make them, but also is allowed to sell freely as many as he wants. There are no Patents to restrict your free use of this knowledge.

Click Here For More Information

Yours Sincerely

David Jackson


Unknown said...

This is wonderful. Why are vehicles not manufactired with this already built in? I want an answer

Carpediem said...

Hello Godfred

The reason is water is free , think about it , if it was to rain then you put out a bucket and collect your fuel for the next day or so. No more going to the petrol stations.

David Jackson